Tuesday 4 August 2009

Standards in Craft

The Heritage Crafts Association is currently helping CCSkills to produce the new National Occupational Standards for craft. These standards are important because if we are successful in achieving the increased funding for training and apprenticeships (which we hope to) then that training will have to tick the boxes laid out in the National Occupational Standards. Now is our chance to make sure those boxes are appropriate to as wide a range of traditional crafts as possible and that people feel that they are an accurate description of the skills required to successfully practice their craft.

There is an online survey which we would encourage all involved in craft in the UK to look at and input to. Now is your chance to make sure that this becomes a useable set of standards. If the tick boxes of the survey do not accurately describe what you do then there are comments boxes where you can be more descriptive.

The online survey can be found at www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=9aRK2k2BIPVqEW2uI5HKiA_3d_3d.

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